Studio Orendo

Intuitive Design

Our solutions for business intelligence and productivity are designed to streamline processes, provide valuable insights, and drive efficiency and growth for businesses of all sizes.

Innovative solutions for business intelligence and productivity.

We recognize the importance of simplicity in project management, and our designs are created with this in mind, ensuring that our clients can focus on what really matters - achieving their project goals.

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Business Intelligence Solutions - Usability and Frictionless Design - User Research and Testing - Productivity and Project Management

Orendo's business intelligence services can help you make better data-driven decisions, with insights and analytics that provide a comprehensive view of your business operations and performance.

Each workshop and service is custom built for the unique challenges using propriety tools and methodologies.

Hidden Cost Workshops

Uncovering Hidden Costs in Product Design

A workshop that identifies and adds clarity in development, creating ways to mitigate the hidden costs  in the product design process, using game theory and usability principles.



Orendo's productivity and project management tools can help you streamline your workflows, increase efficiency, and manage your projects more effectively, with features like task management, collaboration tools, and project tracking.

Revenue Streams

Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics to forecast revenue growth and identify new revenue opportunities. Using behavioral economics and analysis to designing user interfaces that are intuitive and easy to use, reducing friction and frustration. And allow design thinking to develop innovative products and solutions that meet user needs.

Business Intelligence

Designing a Business Intelligence Strategy

A workshop on how to develop a comprehensive business intelligence strategy, including data governance, analytics tools and techniques, and organizational alignment.


By taking a holistic approach to product design and development, we're able to uncover inefficiencies and bottlenecks that might be missed by others, resulting in significant cost savings.

"I have never experienced this before. Going into a AAA+ project and not having any crunch. Getting more tasks done, to higher production quality in less time!"

Electronic Arts

"By doing a few simple adjustments, we were able to focus on things that mattered being able to come to decisions faster, more effective. And this in just two weeks."

Volvo Cars

We became fifty procent more effecient working offsite, than when we where working onsite. It really made me think different on how we work.

Electronic Arts